Spring Season: Motorcycle Safety

As the spring weather continues to improve, it signals the start of the motorcycle season. In 2020 , OPP saw a spike in fatalities of 60% compared to last year involving motorcycles and most of these fatalities involved men aged 45 to 54. May is Motorcycle Awareness Month in Canada . Whether you are an experienced rider or a new motorcycle driver, it is important to review safety tips before you go for a ride. Always Be Alert Driving a motorcycle requires concentration and physical strength to be safe and maintain control – riders need to be physically and mentally prepared. Since 2000, it is reported in Ontario that deaths have doubled due to collisions caused by distracted driving. It is important to know that while you are driving your motorcycle, or stopped at a red light or traffic light, it is illegal to do the following: Program your GPS device Use a phone to dial or text View a screen unrelated to driving Use a hand-held...